Journal Code Dictionary  

The Journal code dictionary contains items that will be used in the Financial Management module to describe all transactions that are applied to a patient's account. Examples of Journal code include: Contractual write offs, Insurance payment and Patient refunds. Any transaction posted against a charge is required to have a Journal code associated to it to define or describe why the transaction is being posted to the account. General Ledger Accounts can also be tied to the Journal codes to facilitate month end reporting to third party accounting software.

Items entered in the Journal code dictionary will be associated to Insurance Carrier Plans when default codes are assigned in the Insurance Carrier Plan dictionary as well as to Supply Resource Category dictionary items. Journal codes will be used when posting charges, payments and adjustments in the Financial Management module.

The Journal code dictionary is a Partially Shared (Business Group) dictionary. As a partially shared dictionary, items entered in one Business Entity will appear as inactive items in the other associated Business Entitles. Also, there are several fields that are not shared in the dictionary and will need to be configured per Business Entity. These include the General Leger Debit and Credit accounts.

Before you begin

To add a new journal code

  1. Click New Item from the Actions sectionActions section in the upper right of the dictionary. Complete the following fields.

  2. Name: Enter a description of the item to be entered. This is a mandatory field and must be unique.
  3. Quick Code: Enter a short name for the item. Quick Codes can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters,are mandatory and must be unique. If the Auto generate quick codes Preference has been enabled, this filed will populate when the Name field has been completed and you tab off of the field.
  4. Type of Transaction: Select the transaction type that reflects the nature of the financial transaction to be associated to this code. The type will determine which drop down selection windows the code will be available in. For example if you select Type of Transaction Payment, the Journal Code will only be available in drop down boxes when Payments are being posted. Transaction types include:
    •   Charge Correction

    •   Debit / Debit Correction

    •   Payment / Payment Correction

    •   Write off / Write off Correction

    •   Transfer

    •   Unassigned Payment

    •   Note

  1. General Ledger Debit Account: (optional) Select the GL account to be debited when the Journal code is referenced.

  2. General Ledger Credit Account: (optional) Select the GL account to be credited when the Journal code is referenced.

  3. Preferred Transfer Target: (optional) When the transaction type is Transfer, this field will be selectable. When you add a Preferred transfer target to a Journal Code, the system will use this code as the default code when you access the Payment screen. Choose the role that you would like to associate to the Journal Code for the following options:

    •   Primary Guarantor

    •   Primary Insurance

    •   Secondary Guarantor

    •   Secondary Insurance

    •   Tertiary Insurance

  1. Non-contractual: This field is for future system enhancement.

  2. Bad Debt: This field is for future system enhancement.

  3. Generate quick code: If the Preference to Auto generate quick code has been set this field will be displayed when new items are added to the dictionary. If a quick code has not been set or if you would like to override the code that has been entered in the field, click the button to have the system generate a quick code.

  1. Click one of the following buttons:
To learn how to search, edit and activate/deactivate dictionary entries and print a dictionary report, see Editing Dictionaries.



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